Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Problem of Working for Money

Most of us work for money, right? I’ve said it myself when asked…I don’t make it any secret that I expect to be paid for what I do professionally. So how could it possibly be a bad idea to work for money? Isn’t money absolutely necessary after all?

The Problem of Working for Money

Yes, money is indeed a necessity. We all have bills to pay. What I’m referring to here is your focus. If your focus is on the almighty dollar, you have your head in the wrong place. Contrary to popular belief, we are not multitaskers. We are capable possibly of juggling, but we can only truly focus on one thing at a time. What I’m getting at is this: since our focus can only be on one thing at a time, if we’re focusing on the close…on making a sale…on how we’re going to make money on our site…on how we’re going to get more traffic so we can make more money, etc…then our focus CANNOT be on our readers and customers.

Don’t let your focus be on “targeting your niche” or “making more money”. Focus on creating value for and interacting with your readers.

Blogging is a powerful promotional tool for your business. But the points of the game are interaction, engagement and value. Do these things, and money will come. Have faith :)

Have Faith. Have Focus.

It’s necessary to have faith that the money will come if you create value, because that is the only way to focus on value. If you focus on making money, you’re not using your blog in the optimum way, and you’re not creating a property that is truly valuable to others. It’s self-serving. And I’m not saying you can’t get anywhere by being self-serving, but in this completely connected market space…it’s not up to you whether you’re valuable or not…it’s up to your readers. And if you efforts are self-serving, how do you think your readers are ultimately going to vote?

Do you really think you can game this system? Maybe for a minute, but not forever, so why even try to play it that way? You’re just creating something that may or may not make you money in the short term. If that is your focus, you’re not creating anything of lasting value.

Create something of lasting value…THAT is how you make money online…long term. That is how you build wealth.

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